Crowns & Bridges

Although crowns and bridges may seem a more expensive option they can be a wise investment that will give many years of good service. It will also improve your appearance and bite. Both crowns and bridges are precision treatments requiring considerable skill of the dentist and technician. This work is produced specifically for the individual teeth and as such are unique and bespoke to the patients mouth, similar to ordering a piece of hand-made jewellery.*

Dental Crown

A dental crown is a tooth-shaped "cap" that is placed over a tooth -- to cover the tooth to restore its shape and size, strength, and improve its appearance.

The crowns, when cemented into place, fully encase the entire visible portion of a tooth that lies at and above the gum line. There are several types of crowns ranging from full metal crown to porcelain bonded crown (PBC) to all ceramic.

The PBC has a metal substructure that is covered with porcelain to give a better cosmetic appearance. This type of crown is ideal for posterior teeth however for front teeth the metal can give the tooth a lifeless appearance as light is unable to pass through the metal.

An all ceramic crown such as Lava, is a high quality crown that has no metal within its substructure, because of this the tooth appears far more realistic and natural. This crown is best suited for front teeth and your smile line.

Why is it Needed?

  • To protect a weak tooth (for instance, from decay) from breaking or to hold together parts of a cracked tooth
  • To restore an already broken tooth or a tooth that has been severely worn down
  • To cover and support a tooth with a large filling when there isn't a lot of tooth left
  • To hold a dental bridge in place
  • To cover misshapened or severely discolored teeth
  • To cover a dental implant
  • To make a cosmetic modification

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges literally bridge the gap created by one or more missing teeth.

A bridge is made up of two crowns one on each tooth either side of a gap and a false tooth/teeth in between. These anchoring teeth are called abutment teeth and the false teeth are called pontics. Bridges can be made from gold, alloys, porcelain or a combination of these materials. Dental bridges are supported by either natural teeth or dental implants.

Your dentist will discuss with you the best option for your teeth.

Benefits: Dental Bridges

  • Restore your smile
  • Restore your ability to properly chew and speak
  • Maintain the shape of your face
  • Distribute the forces in your bite properly by replacing missing teeth
  • Prevent remaining teeth from drifting out of position